Monday, February 16, 2015

Welcome to my MSP NewsPaper Blog. Today's Newspaper: Pumpchkin is a very Wealthy lady. Do you know why? Because of her Fame Cheats! This is what she would look like without a Fame Cheat by now

That was a Picture of her when apperantly she wasn't a Level 71 or something. But this is her is she had used like 2000 hacks.
That's her close to the level she is now. But she has really become a sudden very strange person. This is who she is. Well now.. But i don't mind telling you guys her story. But let me tell you. It all started when TanaMan (her brother) had Moviestarplanet. She saw him throwing partys in his room and she also saw him getting all the ladies. So there was this one boy and his name is Donnie C. Pumpchkin fell of love for him. And so did he. So one day Donnie C gave Pumpchkin his phone number. They started texting each other..But then one night July,31,2011 they were texting and Donnie wanted Pump to have an account. All of this happend at 12:00. She made her account. Pumpchkin unfortunately the date was August,1st,2011. She did something very wrong that night..She had hacked Donnie C. She cruelly spent all of his hard earned money. When Donnie found out, They had totally broken up. Of course what some of you expected was that you wanted Donnie mad That's what happend. I'll post the rest later. But now lets talk about this photo.

Yes...Tell me EXACTLY What you guys see. As i can see, Pumpchkin here is #1 on Highscores. Look at all the money she earned. 90,486,968 Starcoins! What a suprise. She's using you Fans for Money. I know Mybeau does that but.. She actually NEEDS the Money we give her. Oh also Mybeau is UNDER Pumpchkin. Mybeau is level 78 She atleast takes her time.

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