7/10/14 picture of Pumpchkin. I'm not a supporter, I'm not a so called, "Porter" Do you guys even know what that means? Search what it means. I know it means SupPORTER, but that isn't the REAL meaning. So find out the real meaning. I'm not a hater, just a pinch of one. I know the "2012 incident" on forums. Yes, it says I joined in 2013, but I didn't I played when msp was just... Better msp, the old msp. I'd like old msp back :(( I know that pump bullied a user on her guestbook, she said, "Pathetic! stop tryna make yourself important" (In that exact punctuation and spelling) Please don't hate on me or anything, because we all have opinions. You have opinions, I have opinions, your friends have opinions, your family has opinions, my friends have opinions, my family has opinions, everybody has opinions. And I don't hate on her wall or bully her personally on messages ._. That would be super mean, which doesn't act like me. If I did bully her, I'd be sorry. If I bullied any other person, I'd be sorry too. So please don't hate on me. Again, we all have different opinions. It's fine to be different just remember not to be mean or hurt anyone's feelings. Okay, bye!
She wrote that because you are annoying them by saying"hey can you give me a greet or a wishy or gift?" i would get annoyed too if i was them. so plz try to be more considerate and try to do stuff by your self and pumpi and pumpchkin if your reading this im not being a kiss up cuz i follow wat i believe in. Blog you later!
evenJust Yesterday I found out that the most famous girl on moviestarplanet.com Pumpchkin is creating her own website, but I will tell you she is just famous because she is level 25. There is level 25 all around like $hort Movies, and she never gets recongized. Cutestuff. Is very selfish and I hope that none of you go on their Pump Planet website. They will ruin moviestarplanet! I am telling you the truth of her. She bullied me for no reason I just said Hi Pump, and she reported me and called me ugly, stupid, a reject, and a crazy pump lover? Of course I wasn't affected by her because I know that she is not warming and loving, and what she says are lies. She was mean to many people and she didn't just affect their life in moviestarplanet, but she also affected their life in the real world. All those Pump Porters you are unbelievable, and I am not sorry for what I am saying. Half of my friends say that Pumpchkin called them ugly, mean, stupid, idiots, and worst of all she ruined their spirtits! I hope that all of those fans of Pumpchkin don't go on her website and let her boss you around, you may not get this now but you have to realize that she can be a selfish person, and so can Donnie C, and Pumpi, and Cutestuff., and Tanaman! All of them are selfish become a pump porter! As you can see she sticks up for her boyfriend a lot, and yes Donnie C and Tana did call me stupid. If Pumpchkin see's something that she doesn't like she makes your life be ruined! She can make your friends in real life hate you because she tells nothing but lies, and she can make you become a deleted user. Please listen to this advice, and make sure that you don't be friends with her, because you will regret it, and she won't even want to be friends with you for 5 minutes. I was friends with Cutestuff. because I fell under her spell, and I wasn't friends with her for 1 second! A lot of people blocked her because she did 2 years of bullying, people say she only was mean to you because others were mean to her, but thats not the truth. She was a bully to everyone else first, and then we all decided to be mean back because we were tired of being called such horrible things like this: Just another excuse to call us tards! This girl needs to get a life! Thanks for all those people who don't like her you are normal!
Oh and if you guys want to know how MovieStarplanet was created here it is: I heard on MSP that her grandma was the person who started MSP so that's probably why she gets whatever she wants
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